How are you?
Today is my first day back to work (sniff sniff...tears.... :( )
The little man in the one picture devouring his hands is Remiel!
He was my little 7-11 boy (born July 11th)
a beautiful home water birth
weighing in at 8lb 4oz and being 19 1/4" long :)
He is my long and lanky one.
If you look at the other pics you'll see
Boy (child#6) with long hair :) lol still growing it out for "locks of love"(almost 4) holding Remiel (almost 3 months)
Boy (child #5) with grin on his face holding my GRANDBABY(only 1month!!She's gonna give Remiel a run for his money! :)
The summer was an eventful one! Many blessings....many trials too though.
My husband spent a week in ICU for heart issues and then a week later my grandbaby was born -
She was a "lazy breather" at first and she went to the local hospital for observation...they blew out her lungs (perforated them and collapsed them both) by "bagging" her too roughly (forcing too much oxygen in too fast). This sent us on a two week trip to the children's hospital ICU.
As you can see - she's doing wonderfully and is happy and healthy!! Praise God!!
but it was a ROUGH road!!
So....that is a quickie update with pics for you dear ones!
I'll post again real soon!!
with all my heart~