About Me

My photo
I am a momma of 6 :) I have one grand-daughter who is 2 and a half and one who is 9 months!!...my youngest son is 6 months younger than the older one and 1 year older than the baby :) We homeschool and we are always on the go! I like to joke and say we are "addicted to chaos"! Long story short - we are parents of kiddos every age imaginable (almost) and like everyone else...We're learning as we go along! Thank the Lord...He's forgiving and LOVING - 'cause we're truly undeserving of all the wonderful gifts He's given to us!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Little things mean a lot........THANKFUL MONDAY!!

Okay....today has been a tough one - but I know it's all in the way you look at things....
I am thankful for a battery charger - on those days when you wake up late...go running out to the car only to find that the battery is dead.

I am thankful for a little float that the baby boy adores...then when you turn the jets on in the jacuzzi - he goes around in circles like a little carnival ride!

I am thankful for pictures of my kiddos - those that are new and those that make my heart ache because time passes so quickly.

I am thankful for friends both in person and online. The voices of reason with echoes of laughter.

I am thankful for a husband to argue with (okay...I don't know how to word that) lol
read...........slightly stressful weekend huh?! ;)This saying I'm thankful for HIM. not so much the arguing.....sigh...

I am thankful that my oldest "baby" can still call home when he feels like his world is crashing in on him. (and that bless his heart he thinks mom & dad can actually do something about it) (tear)

I am thankful for my job. Even on the days it's hard to leave the baby sleeping in bed without me. I am thankful. I am.

I am thankful for "free days" with chocolate birthday cake and bbq ribs and fried fish :) oh yum!!

I am thankful for a God who is so very much bigger than all my issues....all my worries and all my bills.

holy experience

It is good to see so many things to be thankful for!


With all my heart ~

Friday, August 27, 2010

Celebration Friday!

Well - being a pay day friday sure helps the celebration!
But....TODAY my son Rem turns 10!! This is a major birthday people! :)
This is the DOUBLE DIGITS!! :0)

Today is therefor a celebration of all things REMINGTON.


Captain of his flying bicycle

Helper to Dad

Holder of "the Malachi"

Assistant strained carrot feeder of "the Malachi"



My biggest fan of "just one more chapter" when we read together as a family

Master of the Chickens

Superior Tree climber

This is my dear (how in the world can he be 10 already) child who was born at home (2nd home birth) in South Carolina.

We sang "mares eat oats and does eat oats" more times than I can even begin to explain to you - somehow it always quieted him!

He watched episodes of BARNEY like they were the most interesting thing on the planet! (He's gonna hate that I put that down here :)

My Remmie Zimmie

"Mac" to the nicknames Mac and Cheese that his Dad calles him and his brother.

The dear of my heart who introduced himself to a little girl down the street and got flustered....so he said "The name's REM!" and rode away on his bicycle mortified.


OH - Today is truly a celebration!

Voted most likely to keep his room in order

Joy of my heart with HUGE dimples (gonna make a wonderful husband some day girls!!)

With all my heart~

Thursday, August 26, 2010

12 new things.......hmmmmmm

Okay - so I just perused the blogs and came upon one I really like...

Twelve new things! Well now...that certainly opens up a lot of creative ideas now doesn't it?!

Suddenly it's like my day to day has new horizons! :0)

It's like giving yourself permission to learn new things (yes this old dog is going for new tricks...) and holding yourself to a (gentle) deadline!

So...if I start in August - this could just be a VERY interesting year indeed!

Stay tuned for the full list.... but a few things I am thinking now are...

learn to scuba dive

learn to make soap

have a month of yard sales

learn to crochet rugs from recycled plastic bags (tee hee YES I want to learn this!)

Make a few handmade gifts for the holdiays (that people aren't perplexed by lol)
What would YOU want to learn or do?
12 new things!
The options are unlimited!
Skys the limit!

With all my heart!~

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


As I go through my days with so many ideas....so many thoughts on what I want to pass down to my children, I am trying hard to narrow it down to "the bottom line"......

I once heard a homeschool mom who stressed the fact that we need to focus on what is important...
Is it important that your child is doing work while laying on their side and listening to music?
Or...is it just important that they're getting the work completed?
If they are able to multi task and still provide a nice, neat product to "turn in" why does it matter how it's accomplished?

I think back on so many things I have had my R U L E S on. My unbending....ungiving...sometimes unloving rules that HAD to be obeyed.

Isn't the real idea in raising our kids "First do no harm?"
When I get to the very end of my sometimes frazzled rope and I open my (awful) mouth.
when that "sword-like" tongue of mine cuts and slashes in order to get control once again...saying things I would NEVER say to a "friend" or even acquaintance....my heart breaks when I think of it.....the appologiesto my family may take forever. But today's a good day to begin.

My learning to be a momma has not been perfect.
Thank God for his love and Grace.
I am SO VERY FAR from perfect.

I need to somehow look at these smartmouth(opinionated) teenagers or these arguing children saying hateful things to each other and remember what it was like when they sat on my lap. When they cuddled close and no one but momma could make the boo boo's better.
I need to etch in my brain the dreams and longings I had for each of them as tiny babies in my arms and now love them enough to allow them to have their own dreams too.
Too often I see my days as hour by hour....as pay check to pay check...as meals to be made.......bills to be paid.
Today I pray that the Lord guides me to more than just "first do no harm".
I pray that I will remember to:
first.................hold and hug and laugh together with my little "blessings"
and to always remember that they are truly gifts from God.

With all my heart ~

How about you? Do you have a "first" tip or idea?
We'd love to hear it!

holy experience

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

VENTA LOT-A Tuesday - Sounds like a great cuppa coffee huh? :) lol

I read a devotional this morning about how it's usually the little things that really set us off. Or maybe even an accumulation of little things.
That pebble in the shoe idea.
The story went on to tell about how a grain of sand is an irritant to an oyster and that the oyster produces a chemical that surrounds the grain of sand and it eventually becomes a pearl! WA La! So.....what are your future pearls? Today is a great day to vent and this is a safe place to "let it all out"
I also read a great blog over at http://designhermomma.com about how her hubby "shared" his poison ivy with her b00bs! (now that my friend is an irritant of major proportions!)
so....Tuesday is a vent a Lotta-a day :)
Tell the tale Tuesday! You know .....those little things that just get to you?!

Comments are always welcome :)
Yes....we will be thankful.....later probably :)
With all my heart ~

Little irritants that I hope become a pearl some day...or hey...maybe they'll just go away! :)

paying too much for a cup of coffee

people who act entitled to EVERYTHING

ink on myself (I'd never handle a tattoo) lol

the saying "I'll learn you that" instead of "I'll teach you that"

slang names for sex (bumpin uglies, poke in the whiskers etc....) *I keep hearing these from 20 somethings and it makes me cringe*

guys who call women they don't even know "sugar" "little darlin" etc....

getting into bed after a fresh shower only to learn that sometime during the day one of my little darlings has gotten on my bed with sandy feet.

when I disagree with my husband - and then find out he was right - OH BOY THAT ONE'S A BOULDER! (not just a grain of sand!) ;)

Okay - so that's a few of my "pearls"
Can't wait to read yours - I am NOT alone in this right? :)

Friday, August 20, 2010


I am so very glad that it's Friday!
Today I am celebrating "HOME"
Home is where the heart is.....

Home is where your story begins....

Peace...that was the other name for home...

Where we love is home,
Home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts.
~Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr

Home is a place you grow up wanting to leave, and grow old wanting to get back to. ~John Ed Pearce

The light is what guides you home, the warmth is what keeps you there. ~Ellie Rodriguez

It takes hands to build a house, but only hearts can build a home. ~Author Unknown

There is nothing like staying at home for real comfort. ~Jane Austen

Home is a shelter from storms - all sorts of storms. ~William J. Bennett

On that note - I am going there - HOME!! and I am going to make sure I take time out this weekend to further make our HOME a sanctuary....a place of love....warmth...and shelter.

May you each have a beautiful weekend surrounded by love!

With all my heart!
Raising Homemakers

As I peeked at this wonderful site - (because clearly I felt I did not belong there)
I was drawn to wonderful ideas. Ideas that will brew and mix and stir my thoughts for quite awhile. Is it too late to show my daughter (now 19) the BEAUTY of homemaking? WAIT.....Have I ever truly embraced it? It seems that our life has been one big whirlwind and our home has been a place of - Run in...do a lot...run out to do a lot.

What does it mean to truly be a HOME MAKER? To be the MAKER of a peaceful HOME? To intentionally infuse your surroundings with LOVE and build it upon THE ROCK so that it's foundation is strong??

Have I, in my striving for "structure, schedules and lists" missed the whole meaning of HOME? Maybe that's why I have NEVER felt good at it?! Maybe if I was striving for a cohesive place for everyone to feel like they could "land and grow"....maybe I would be good at that.
My daughter is so very helpful - but I know that the underlying "I'm meant for better than this" idea is in her heart. I want her to fully blossom and THRIVE - but I also want her to understand that there very well may not be anything and I do mean ANYTHING truly better than being a "HOME ENGINEER" I know that I have failed her in this. I need to prayerfully and INTENTIONALLY strive to be a better example of that first. (as it is so much easier to follow an example than an idea.)

So - I "subscribed" to that web site - Hoping that it will...1.) Rub off on to me and 2.) inspire me to LOVE who I am and who I could become. 3.) Cause the change to be a good example to my daughter. To show what a loving home-maker (even if I do have to work out of the home too) looks like.

With all my heart ~

Thursday, August 19, 2010

praying for ideas......

I met with a woman today who is 92.

She and her husband have been having a "bit of a time" (her exact words) living off their (oh so tiny) income from SS.

At 92 she is crocheting "lap blankets" to make extra money. ("WOW" was all I kept thinking as she smiled and told me about them) (Oh and I kept trying to ignore that urging down in my heart - Surely God knows I'm not a "Sales person" right?!)
As I listened to her story (and argued with that still small PERSISTANT voice in my head)
I couldn't help but smile.......

My mind picture of our home filling up with "lap blankets" made me want to laugh out loud. (We live in the tropics you know...)

Well - soon I was thinking - what can I do with lap blankets? :) (I hear ya Lord...but I'm still a bit fuzzy on the particulars.....)


My hubby (whose heart is even WAY bigger than mine) said - "Get them!"

um..honey how many?

"Get them all!"

Tee hee - GET THEM! (we both suffer from insanity?)
So she's going to let me know how many she has...and I'm just laughing to myself (people are beginning to wonder)

This is somewhat like "selling ice to eskimoes" right? Blankets to people in the tropics! Ha!

So I am brain-storming on what to do with them. I am praying for direction and asking for your help too..

here's my only idea so far....

We have friends who are currently working on opening an orphanage in the Dominican Republic (but again...tropics!!) But maybe since they're not large blankets (3x3 approx)....I think it would be lovely for a child to have something to call their own - something made with love (by a dear woman who always wanted to have children but couldn't! ironic...)
We could get people to donate towards them .....and we could take them over in December to the orphanage (when we're headed to the DR)

what do you think?
Any other ideas??

Isn't it humorous the situations you find yourself in when you've recently said "Why doesn't God use us?"

what's that saying???????... oh yes...be careful what you ask for! :)

Thanks for visiting!! and thanks for your ideas :)

With all my heart~

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

questions and more questions....

Today I was honored to be presented with an award by the County Comissioners. My kids were excited that it was going to be on TV. 4 of my kiddos attended the meeting to clap and take pictures of "momma" getting something to hang on her wall.
It was all over within a matter of minutes.
I remember looking out into the auditorium and smiling as my little ones smiled back and waved their arms (as if I could miss them ;)
I know that my job is a blessing.
I know beyond all doubt that God provided this job - one where I can help others - one where my boss and good friend shares and supports my faith.

But between you and I
Between the cyberspace and my heart...
Is this really it?

Am I destined to be on this side of the auditorium when I long to be WITH the wavers and clappers?

I am not ungreatful for the blessing of provision that this job provides. I KNOW that the economy is such that I should DANCE all the way to work each day......

But is this it?
Will I look back some day at the marks of time by the "recognition of _______ years of service?"

Will I wake up one day knowing that the ONLY thing I did right in this life was have wonderful babies and a dear hubby - and it will be too late? They will be off with lives of their own? All the things I wanted to pass along to them...all the things they need to know....all the lessons - all the verses I want to share...will it just be too late?

How can getting an award ruin my day?

with all my heart~

Please - if you've been here, stop on over at:
holy experience

It's such a beautiful place to visit with good friends

Monday, August 16, 2010

Thankful MONDAY

Wow - today started at a run and it's been insane all day.
I am just now at 1pm getting my cup of coffee - how did I ever make it this long without it? :)

Today is Monday - the day where I join with Ann Voskamp from Holy Experience http://www.aholyexperience.com/ to make a list of the MANY blessings that I have....Today is a great day for it!
What better way to relax with a cup of (((AAHHHH)))) coffee!

baby boy sitting in the kitchen sink for a bath

grandbaby girl "dancing" while I sing to her

sitting in the front yard taking pictures of bicycles that "fly" off of ramps and claping wildly for the "men" who make them fly

my 9 and 6 year old who feel that they are now MEN because they jump "super high" ramps :)

my coffee mug that has the drawing on it from my 6 year old showing he and I holding hands along with a heart shaped world with i (heart) you on it.

my baby who now reaches up for me when I call his name.

who now makes unh unh noises somewhat like laughter when he knows he's about to be nursed and I'm not getting it to him fast enough.

2 boston terrier puppies born last friday night at our home (to a momma dog who the previous owners mistreated - and yet she's a beautiful nurturing momma to her "twins")

kisses in the middle of the night when the house is quiet and still...

Each beat of my heart that tells me that each of my "gang" is a gift from God
James 1:17

fresh eggs

hydroponic hibiscus flowers

seeing how many kids can fit into a jacuzzi - and then adding mom and dad - loud laughter when the water has no where to go but OUT! :)

hearing the (calm) voice of my best friend as I get all weepy about my day and him telling me he'll be home earlier than he expected so (again) don't worry about dinner - he's got it covered.
(did I mention he is ever so much better at this parenting (life in general) thing than I??:))

being married to him for almost 25 years - nothing worth having is easy - and 25 years certainly is NOT EASY! But it really is such a blessing!

Having a good job - that (at least most days) allows me to help people in need.

Having a great friend who works with me - and is also my "boss"

Having a daughter who is going to be 19 tomorrow! WOW - I'm off and running - gotta make plans - gotta do something big (hmmmmm howabout a 19 layer cake?) LOL - j/k

don't forget to count your blessings too!!! :)
with all my heart ~

Friday, August 13, 2010

In celebration of.............schedules (or lack thereof)

When I was asked (oh say for the millionth time in 25 years of wedded bliss (cough..sputter..laugh...oh and trust me dear hubby would cough sputter and laugh too!!!!)"Please make a schedule for everyone and MAKE THEM stick to it!") I did. ....again. I should have a doctorate in schedule making! People should sincerely hire me to make schedules - I'm excellent at making them - full color - time blocked - totally efficient! I'm probably not much past kindergarten on living by one though. sigh . (lots of head shaking going on here)

So the "ideal" schedule starts at 5am - I can't even type that time on this blog without squinting my eyes in pain. I cringe for I KNOW that most nights are still filled with my baby remora (A remora (pronounced /ˈrɛmərə/), sometimes called a suckerfish or sharksucker create suction and take a firm hold against the skin of larger marine animals - LOL this is such a great mind picture since Malachi now has 7teeth at only 7 months old!)
The chances of me being able to get up and NOT wake him up are...well pretty much zero. So...my 5:30 schedule item of exercise would only make him & me nutso cause really who can nurse on a treadmill? lol -I know...someone can...just evidently not me :)

by the time I would be able to get him settled back down I'm sure the time slots for shower and make a fabulous breakfast (this is a fantasy schedule for sure :)would be gone and I'd be close to the time of "get dressed and RUN RUN RUN to the car or you're going to be late AGAIN for work"
Somehow....I see the kids eating cold cereal either way. One way I get a bit more sleep (yes I'm out of shape - but what shape can I really hope for after 6 kids?) and a much kinder more rested mother handing them their bowls and spoons?!


"DAD" is such a good parent - perfectly keeps them on schedule - gets SO very much accomplished. Has time and energy to "do it all" and so much more.
I love him dearly (although some days his "perfectness" makes me hate him)but even after 25 years I can't seem to be him.
I'm the parent who wakes the kids up at 3 in the morning to go christmas shopping at an all night store and then to a 24/7 diner for breakfast - only to go home and let eveyone sleep in until noon.
I make memories - he makes structure. - Somehow the kids will be fine through it all - both because of it and inspite of it ;)

So as I head back to the drawing board for a "new and improved" schedule I will try to balance (balance, juggle, shift - this feels like the exercise of my days) and I will try to remember that any day spent filled with love is excellent!!!- scheduled or not!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Not quite as crazy as a Monday - not as hopeful as a Friday :)
Today is a day that I appreciate things like the picture of the butterfly.....light...graceful....ability to fly away.... :)

I heard a devotion this morning on the way to work about Heaven and how we'll be getting new bodies....WHEW! I wonder if we'll have a say in what its like? LOL - You know...like building an "avatar" online...."oh...brown curly hair is nice!" "oh yeah..this bigger...this smaller...this less controled by gravity!" HA! Will we be pleasantly surprised because it will 1. be everything we ever wanted or 2.We suddenly won't care and either way it will be perfect~!

Our lives here are a lot like that butterfly - I can't tell what stage I'm in....some days I think..."CALLERPITTER" (as my kids say) some days I feel I'm stuck in a cocoon - but either way I'm looking forward longingly to the "Beautiful butterfly" stage - So...sing with me...I'll fly away oh Glory..I'll fly away! :)

Have a wonderful Wednesday!
With all my heart....

Monday, August 9, 2010

Rain Rain........oh please stay...............

Today is a day much like yesterday - rain! Glorious rain! This is one of those rain storms that you feel the earth drink long and deep - the dark overcast days where you feel your soul drink long and deep.
On this wonderful Monday morning I am reminded over and over of all the beautiful things I am thankful for.

Rain.......dark clouds and even thunder

Days spent snuggling in the big bed reading books out loud, watching funny movies and having family discussions.

Laughing with the little boys as we all go into the jacuzzi IN the rain - warm water AND cold rain drops mixing.

Holding each child in the jacuzzi and whispering "secrets" in their ears while I look at their collected prizes (bruise from jumping a ramp, scratch from swinging in the trees)

Telling each one how they are "my very favorite________" (insert their name here)

Jamming into the car and going to the book store to get the next book in a series that we read at bedtime.

Having "DAD" home all weekend to ourselves (mostly because of the rain - a rare treat indeed as usually there is work to be done!)

Singing songs to my grandbaby and watching her "bop" up and down to the music.

Watching as my grandbaby kisses everyone sweetly before bed - Her little ruffle skirt sticking out because of her big old "diaper butt" ;0)

Pulling a nursey baby up against me in the middle of the night and realizing that he is now old enough to open his mouth up like a little bird and wait for momma to get situated.

Dear Dear hubby rolling up against me and reaching over to pat the baby as he's still nursing.



Friday, August 6, 2010

Celebration Friday!! AGAIN!!

Today I celebrate!
A dear friend's daughter took her nursing exams this week. TOUGH!!!! They were asking for prayer and agonizing over the waiting period between exam and results.

Well - I got a call today in celebration of the results. This young lady is on her way to use her talents and gifts for God - AS A NURSE!!! woo hoo!!!

My friend and I had joked about how as moms we try to make things okay no matter what (meanwhile we ourselves are getting ulcers!) lol...Isn't it wonderful to know that God does the same for us! That he wants GREAT THINGS for us! That he has GREAT THINGS in store for us!!??? NO MATTER WHAT GRADE WE GET! :)
Each day if I were graded on things........wow....that would be scary!
language in traffic....F
understanding for the client yelling at me......F
patience when the kiddos are at war...........F
loving attitude........- well you get the picture
somehow though....God looks at me and sees his child! He knows each day is a test for me......yet he cheers me on - agonizes with me when I fail - rejoices when I succeed.

Have a wonderful weekend my friends!
Don't forget to CELEBRATE!!
With all my heart ~

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

I love you...a bushel and a peck...

My mom used to sing that song to me...."a bushel and a peck and a hug around your neck"... My kids got a mothers day card for me this year and when I opened it - that is the song it played. A song handed down from generation to generation.
Love passed down from one momma to another to another. When we speak to our children...to other peoples children...to "grown up" children what are we passing down to the future? What will that legacy be?
Anger? Resentment? or will it be forgiveness and love?
Intolerance and rage? or will it be grace and peace?
Today and everyday - Lord help me to remember that my words can be a gift or a dagger.
I can lift up or destroy.
Please help me to remember what I want to leave behind is love.....
by the bushel and by the peck!

With all my heart....

Monday, August 2, 2010

monday blessings list

Oh after a full weekend - there are just so many blessings....

organic apple juice (Malachi loves it - even watered down!)

Kids who are excellent with each other (sometimes IT DOES HAPPEN!!)

Rocking & singing to the 6year old (who's usually too BIG and BUSY to slow down - but poor thing...is sick right now)

Ooh and Aah - ing over my 15 year olds biceps ( he's working out you know! :)

Telling my oldest all the reasons he's blessed to be having another baby girl (someone's gotta have girls in this family! ;)and laughing with him at how life works.

Getting to look at the ultrasound picture with our family's newest little heartbeat.

phone calls "outta the blue" from my love saying he's "just checking on me" and that he just wanted to tell me "he loves me"

Everyone piling onto our bed at night to listen to 1 or 2 or "just one more chapter pleeeeeeeeeezzzzzeeee" of our latest family book series Gregor the Overlander.

Making plans with my (sob...so very grown)daughter to take some pics for her movie audition & reconfirming to her every way possible that yes she IS beautiful.

Laughing until we all are crying about fond memories together (road trips...funny things we've said or done)

Hearing my kids singing (The most important legacy I may leave to them - music)

The guys trading out work for a HUGE LOUD FANTASTIC DRUM SET - are we crazy or what!!

Baby Kisses (Malachi is learning to give them now and Nevaeh can say it "KSSSESSSSS" as she loves on her baby doll) so very sweet. How do they get so big so fast?

Well - I know I could go on and on and on - It's a good thing - What a fabulous way to start a week!

With all my heart ~