I had a blessed weekend - laughter and tears both flowed freely this past weekend....I got to see old friends and (darn the luck!!) I missed a few but that just means I now have an excuse to go see them SOON!!
Our time in the kitchen cooking for the womens retreat was LONG hours but the baby was SO very good. He was always on one of our backs in the pack - and he was happily content! WOO HOO BABYWEARING!!!!
When we got home I noticed a couple of the kiddos had sniffles - gonna have to start dosing them up with vitamin C and echnacia (NOT how you spell it I'm sure!)
Hubby also has a raging toothache - Yikes - No time to stop working and go to the dentist yet though! (Gotta work when the work is there!)
We had to come home a day early - because well life demanded it and work was waiting.
I'm in a bit of a panic now because is it me or does it feel like now we are on roller skates heading down a steep hill to the holidays? WHAM! SWERVE! FLAIL! GET YOUR BALANCE AND BAM THEY'RE HERE!
I peeked in at a blog yesterday about babies and accessories - that made me think of this pic. I LUUUVVVEEEE this pic :) Oshkosh overalls - Nike hat and shades - perfect little boy attire :)
I waffle back and forth on that with my babies - put them in "baby clothes" like footies and sleep sac nighties - then some days dress them in "little kid" clothes like little tiny jeans and izod shirt - LOL -either way there's a very good chance that it came from a thrift store :)
Heck...there are some days I wish I could dress my 19, 16, 10 and 6 year old in footies and keep them babies....sigh......tee hee funny mind picture...
Anywhoo I got back and scanned over the blogs I follow - I think a few are just there to make me feel crappy LOL - no seriously - you know the ones who have the life you (think) you want? How to be perfectly organized - bake your own bread -recite bible verses to your children - spontaneously "WOW" your husband - wake up at 3am go to bed at 1am - milk the goats - eat organically - hold bible clubs at your house - make your own herbal tea mixes - make your own soap - homeschool your 45 kids and never loose your temper. - Yeah those blogs :)
I LOVE the ones where people confess they're NORMAL people. Where we sorta commisserate together and say "YOU TOO??"
but maybe the others keep us striving for what could be?! maybe?
So I'm back - I missed writing - not sure anyone out there is listening - but hey I'm a mom - I'm used to that feeling :)
With all my heart ~
I love babywearing! and that is too funny about the "put together" blog cause most of the time I have no idea what I'm doing over here LOL!