About Me

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I am a momma of 6 :) I have one grand-daughter who is 2 and a half and one who is 9 months!!...my youngest son is 6 months younger than the older one and 1 year older than the baby :) We homeschool and we are always on the go! I like to joke and say we are "addicted to chaos"! Long story short - we are parents of kiddos every age imaginable (almost) and like everyone else...We're learning as we go along! Thank the Lord...He's forgiving and LOVING - 'cause we're truly undeserving of all the wonderful gifts He's given to us!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Way off.....

This past weekend we went to the big city and asked our 6(turning 7) year old where he would like to go for his birthday dinner.
Well he very excitedly yelled "RED...(insert sea-life here)"
Since I am complaining.....I'm not putting the whole restaurant name....
It's not like you can't get lobster just about anywhere here in South Florida anyways right? lol (wink...didja get it?)
So I cringed but thought....well there's only 2 adults and 2 kids so it's probably the cheapest time we could ever go to a fancy (for us anyways) restaurant.
Hubby gave the thumbs up so off we went.
We were greated by the big tank of Maine lobsters that the boys excitedly watched as we waited for our table.
When we were seated - the boys each picked popcorn shrimp (not too bad price wise) and we got a shrimp dish each - All in all the meal was pleasant service was soso.
When the boys were away at the bathroom (I think all kids have to "check out" the facilities at each restaurant - it' s some kind of unwritten rule)
I told the waitress that it was our son's birthday - so we'd like to do something at the end of the meal. She was all excited and said "oh okay! I've got it covered!"
So at the end of our meal...the baby was starting to be completely bored with the scene and she came up to give us our bill. I thought maybe she forgot so I said "Okay birthday boy...anything else?" to our son. He smiled and said "maybe dessert?" she said "I'll be right back" with this she disappears - ah HA! She's remembered (I thought) she came back with another waitress and they sang "Happy Birthday" and then handed me the bill and walked away. (no...NO cake...no dish of ice cream....-I DON'T EVEN EXPECT IT FOR FREE - I WOULD HAVE PAID FOR IT.....) SO my 6/7 year old smiled and said "that was nice!" - kind little kid that he is. I was not so happy!!!
I was upset. So we went to Walmart and let him pick out his own "cupcakes or little cake ...whatever" - great boy...picked out mini eclairs ;)lol
Anyways I felt bad because it was such a HUGE thing for him to pick out his place to eat and have it be a big "hurrah". not so much....
Oh well - We'll just have to do it up big for his home party with all the family :)
Proof that things are better at home anyways :)

With all my heart ~ thanks for letting me vent ;)

1 comment:

  1. wish a happy birthday to the little man from me please!!
